During a conversation the other day, a shocking realization hit me: How do we as churches help local businesses? How many times have we as church workers/lay leaders asked local businesses for donations for a fundraiser, free coffee for an event, or even to use their facility at a discounted rate? Sure, they get the minor publicity/advertising for helping, but should they be helping us, or should we be helping them?
The other thing is, do we even give them credit for the donation? I was at an event recently where a local coffee shop donated coffee for 150 people without even a mention that they did so. I know that I wouldn’t want to be known as a group/church that just keeps asking for donations without returning the favor in some way.
How do you thank people for helping you? How do you return the favor?
Maybe offer the local coffee shop a free concert on a “slow” night to boost business. Maybe it’s publicly thanking them in a large group setting. Maybe hold a small group meeting there to boost business.
Whatever you come up with, ask yourself, “How can I help you in return?” So often we ask for handouts, without thanking the business or showing them how much we appreciate them. Think outside the box!