Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Team Chemistry

There's something to be said about team chemistry.  It can make or break your team.  You see it all the time in sports.  When a bunch of players play as “individuals,” they don’t end up going far, but the players that may not be as talented and have great team chemistry end up winning it all.  That was definitely the case in last years NBA Finals.  The Heat (a bunch of individuals) verses the Mavericks (the players who played as a team). 
The same is true in churches.  Team chemistry is so important.  I am working at a church with a staff of about 13 employees.  We work well together, but we also have a little fun with each other.  We play practical jokes on each other.  We hide ugly statues and rubber spiders in each others offices.  We go to lunch together.  We have coffee together.  We are a team.
I think that churches often miss that concept.  They just try to assemble the best people for the positions that they need filled.  They bypass the idea of team chemistry.  When working in ministry, you work so closely together.  You are asked to help out in other ministries that aren’t necessarily your “forte.”  You’re just asked to be available to do whatever is needed.  That’s ministry.  Being available to do whatever God wants whenever he needs.  I’ve always heard it said that God doesn’t need experienced people, just willing ones.  So true.
Chemistry was not one of my favorite subjects in high school, but it’s something I’ve worked very hard to achieve since I’ve gone into full time ministry.
If you'll excuse me, I need to put a rubber spider in an office...

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