Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I know it’s been a while since I’ve added a new post.  This summer has been filled with so many twists and turns (some of which I’ll address in future entries). 

I had a conversation with my college mentor the other day.  He called me up and asked, “How’s life been lately?”  I didn’t know how to answer him at first.  I mean, my life, my job situation, my family has all been in an upheaval for the past year.  But, as I paused to think about it for a minute, I realized that my answer was simple: healthy.

It felt weird to say that considering our church lost a secretary, our high school pastor and our senior pastor in the last five months.  All left for good reasons; mainly to move closer to family, but here’s the thing: there’s no panic.  In any other church, there would be wide-spread panic.  There would be members calling for emergency congregational meetings.  There would be people leaving the church in droves.  But that’s not the case.  Volunteers are coming out of the woodwork.  The congregation has come together in unity. 


Is this really what “healthy” looks like?

I’ve seen it all in my fifteen years of ministry: Pastors having affairs.  A cult rising out of a ministry.  A sudden death of a staff member.  Power struggles between pastors.  Internal strife between staff and elders.  Financial upheaval.

But healthy?  That’s a new one to me.  Even as I type this, I think of how blessed I am to finally experience what that really means. 

Maybe you are reading this and you, like me for so long, aren't experiencing a "healthy" church situation.  It's my prayer that you continue to seek and put God first.  The Great Physician is never far away ready to heal the hurt and brokeness.

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