Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Spiritual Nudge

Have you ever gotten the feeling like you should call someone?  Maybe a friend you haven’t seen in years or someone you lost contact with along the way?

I got one of those “feelings” the other day.  For the sake of anonymity, we’ll call him “Mike.”  I haven’t talked to mike in close to thirteen years, yet for some reason, God placed him in my heart last week.  I remembered the fun times we used to have and, more importantly, the impact he had on my life.  Mike helped shape and mold me into the person I am today.  If it wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t be in ministry.  If it wasn’t for his guidance, I wouldn’t have gone to the college I went to…I wouldn’t have met my wife…I wouldn’t have had the same beautiful daughter…I wouldn’t be in a job that I love…this list could go on for a while.

After several days of thinking about Mike, I was in a conversation with someone and Mike’s name came up.  As I started to tell stories, I was interrupted and was told that Mike was going through some tough times over the past several years.  I now knew why Mike was on my mind.  God has placed him there. 

Is there someone that God is putting on your mind right now?  It could be a friend that you haven’t seen in a while.  It could even be someone that you see often.  It could just be a coincidence, but it could also be the Spirit nudging you to talk to that person.

I haven’t found Mike yet, but my search continues.  The gentle nudging has now consumed my mind to find him to tell him that God loves him…to tell him that he is loved!

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