Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why "Relentless Discipleship?"

I have been meaning to start a blog for a while. happens...  One minute, you're planning your wedding; the next minute, you're painting the baby's room.  That's life.  It passes us by in an instant.  It seems like last week that I was throwing the softball around for the first time in 2011.  Now, it's almost time for our Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl Football Game.

You see, no matter how busy we are, or how fast life passes us by, making time for God is important.  I'm not talking about going to church once a week or maybe even fitting in that weekly Bible study that you only go to when Big Bang Theory is showing reruns.  Do you daily make time for God?  I can honestly say that I don't.

I work in a church for a profession.  It's very easy for someone like me to count sermon prep or writing Bible study curriculum as "God Time."  But it's not.  I could spend 3 hours drenched in God's word, but forget to take those 10-15 minutes for myself; to take that time to rest in Him.

When blogger asked me "What do you want to name your blog?," I struggled with that.  I struggled with the name, but I knew exactly what I wanted to write about.  I want this blog to be an open forum.  Here, I'll talk about the trials and triumphs of being in ministry.  I'll bounce some ideas out into the world to see what comes back.  I'll talk about my short comings and successes as a leader, and have an open mic to tell about how God has brought me to where I am today.

I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be.  I'm just a guy trying to figure out what God wants me to do, and where He wants me to go.  And even though I'll fall flat on my face at times, I'll pursue God with a passion.  I'll be just that...A Relentless Disciple.

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